Best pre-workout supplement for running And Do You Need Them?

5 Side Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements:

1-May make you feel jittery

Many pre-workout pills contain caffeine as one of the main components.
This stimulant has been demonstrated to improve muscle strength and output while decreasing weariness during exercise.
Caffeine, in principle, allows you to get more out of an exercise.
On the other hand, caffeine has some potential adverse effects, especially if consumed excessively. Insomnia, nausea, elevated heart rate, drowsiness, headaches, anxiety, and jitteriness or restlessness are some of the symptoms.
Furthermore, many pre-workout pills contain a lot of caffeine – up to 500 mg per serving. The average serving size is 0.35–1 ounce (10–30 grams).
On the other hand, coffee contains only 95 mg per cup (240 ml)

Methods for reducing side effects
Caffeine dosage varies by person, as some people tolerate it better than others.
The best strategy to prevent adverse effects is to start with a tiny amount of a caffeinated pre-workout supplement and gradually increase your dosage to see what you can manage.
To avoid sleepiness, it’s preferable to avoid coffee for at least 6 hours before bedtime; you can, of course, choose caffeine-free pre-workout pills.

2-May increase water retention:

Creatine is another common element in pre-workout supplements.
It has been demonstrated that exercise increases high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass growth.

Creatine is commonly found in pre-workout supplements, but d can also consume it independently.

Water retention, bloating, weight gain, and digestive difficulties are the most common adverse effects of creatine.

Methods for reducing side effects
Despite these risks, creatine has proven highly safe (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

By ensuring an adequate dose, you can reduce any adverse effects.

A loading phase of 4 scoops (20 grams) each day for at least 3 days is standard for creatine.
Days, with a 3–5 gram maintenance dose per day.
This approach gives quick results, but it also has a higher risk of causing bloating and stomach problems (
If you’re ready to wait 3–4 weeks to see results, you can also take a single daily dose of 3–6 grams. This is the most incredible alternative to avoid bloating and other unpleasant side effects, especially if your stomach is sensitive.
While using creatine, it’s worth noting that it can be impossible to avoid gaining 2–6 pounds (1–3 kg). This is due to your muscles retaining more water .

3-May trigger mild reactions

Beta-alanine and niacin are two more components found in many pre-workout supplements (vitamin B3).
Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps you maintain a longer workout by reducing acidity in your muscles during exercise.

It has been proven to improve exercise performance and reduce tiredness in high-intensity activities lasting 1–4 minutes when given 4–6 grams per day.
However, paresthesia, or a tingling sensation in your hands and feet, may be caused by this substance. While it’s an entirely natural nervous system reaction, some people may find it distressing (11Trusted Source).
Niacin, which is included in many pre-workout supplements for its skin-flushing properties, is another component with minor drawbacks. It can cause a blood rush to the surface of your skin at high dosages of 500 mg or more, resulting in red patches.
While niacin is crucial for energy metabolism, it is unlikely that supplementing with it will provide further benefits if you eat a well-balanced diet.

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