12 steps to take care of the skin and maintain its freshness

Daily skin care: 12 steps to take care of it and maintain its freshness
Style and Fashion • Last Updated: March 5, 2022
Daily skin care: 12 steps to take care of it and maintain its freshness
Skin care is one of the necessities that should not leave every woman’s daily routine. In contrast to the body, the skin of the face is more exposed to external factors such as sunlight, wind and other such factors that the skin is in direct contact with.

Some women are satisfied with cleaning the skin daily in the morning and evening. Although it is a healthy and useful step, it alone is not enough to give you the necessary freshness and openness. The nature of the skin, especially the renewal of cells and secretions, dictates the need to adopt an effective daily routine to balance mental secretions, lighten the skin, and remove dead cells.

Skin care steps differ from one woman to another, of course, according to the type of skin (mental, dry, sensitive, mixed), and based on the opinion of experts in the field, 12 steps must be included in the daily care routine, because of their great importance in protecting the skin and giving it freshness.

Skin type determination stage

Before adopting any skincare routine, it is essential to know your skin type to avoid the consequences of using a cream or cleanser that is not compatible with your skin type.
Know your skin type, and make sure to buy the appropriate creams and cleansers for it.

The skin type is classified into three types: oily skin, dry skin, and normal skin, and there is a fourth type mixed between oily and dry skin.

These first three steps mentioned must be applied in the morning and before bed as well

1-Clean the skin

The skincare routine begins with cleaning the face, washing the face with warm water to open the pores, then using the appropriate facial cleanser for your skin type.

Gently clean your face with circular motions for 50 seconds, knowing that some cleansers are preferable to leave for a minute or two to obtain better results, and then wash with cold water well.

2-Toner mode for the skin

After cleaning the skin and after drying it from the water using a clean and soft towel, apply a toner, the latter helps to complete the cleaning and remove the impurities that still exist on the skin, given that most cleansers contain ingredients such as oil, and it is preferable during the application of the toner to avoid the eye area.

3- Moisturizing the skin

After the toner dries, take a small amount of moisturizing cream and apply it to the skin gently and in circular motions. The importance of this step is to take care of the skin perfectly, giving it moisture and making it healthy and more refreshed.

4- Peeling the skin

In the context of daily skincare; Peeling the skin is a must, and it is recommended to do it twice a week because daily peeling will cause the pores to open more. The peeler is applied, and the sides of the nose, forehead and chin are carefully rubbed. This step will help get rid of dead cells

5-Skin mask

After cleaning and exfoliating, the role of the skin mask or face mask comes in. There are many products of skin masks in this regard, and it can be sufficient to prepare the mask at home using natural ingredients, provided that the period of leaving it on the skin does not exceed 15 minutes.

6- Avoid rubbing the face

No matter how itchy you feel, resisting the urge to scratch is good for your skin, as repeatedly scratching the skin or touching it with an unclean and dry towel is one of the causes of bacteria buildup.

7- Avoid pressing on pimples

There is no doubt that the presence of pimples in the skin of the face is very annoying, which leads the woman to subconsciously press on them by hand, trying to remove them, but this matter is preferably avoided completely, as it leaves dark traces and marks that are difficult to remove from the skin, so it is advised to avoid pressing the pimples with your hands for all, whatever they are Your hands are clean!

8- Use the right care products

When you use products that suit your skin type for a month or two, without getting the desired result, you must change to another brand.

Do not limit yourself to products that do not give the necessary addition to your skin.

9- Drink plenty of water

You may be wondering what is involved in drinking water in skincare, and the answer is that drinking water in ample quantities protects the facial skin from sagging and reduces the appearance of pimples and acne, and drinking water helps to expel toxins, and all of these functions will lead to fresh and refreshed skin.

10- Putting on sunscreen

Medically and aesthetically, it is highly recommended to apply sunscreen on sunny summer days for all skin types in order to give full care and protection from the sun’s rays, which cause darkening of the skin and lead to the appearance of dark marks that are difficult to disappear.

11-Removing make-up before bed

Of the things that spoil the health of the skin and destroy its freshness, Sleep with makeup on, so if you are looking for the perfect skincare, don’t forget to remove your makeup before you go to bed.
It’s true that some days your tiredness can improve, and removing your makeup may be the last thing on your mind, but rest assured that your skin will thank you for it!

12- Applying a skin spray

To pamper the skin and give it a double glow and freshness, apply a natural spray, which can be made at home and with natural ingredients, such as chamomile and mint spray, in which you need a spoonful of dry chamomile flowers, a spoon of dried mint leaves, and two cups of water. Leave the ingredients to boil for 15 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and store it in a spray bottle in the refrigerator for a day, after which it is ready for use.


And do not forget that taking care of your skin and pampering it should be a habit that does not leave your day and not a reaction to skin problems caused by your negligence!




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